The Whisky Blot
Journal of Literature, Poetry, and Haiku
Tea Time the perfect moment one pot of tea, two teacups, and a rose garden First Song a startling sound robins sing to fading stars just before dawn breaks Gibbous a separate thing far above this wilting world the half-melted moon Carolanna Lisonbee is a writer, English teacher, and globetrotting adventuress from Utah. Her first collection of poetry is WISP OF FOG MOMENT. Her poems have been included in the collection TEA-KU: POEMS ABOUT TEA, by Local Gems Press, and her translations of Chinese poetry appear in issue 10.1 of the journal Reliquiae, published by Corbel Stone Press. She posts on Instagram as carolanna_joy_poetry, and writes #ScienceNewsHaikus on Twitter as @carolannajl. Comments are closed.
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